
  • Winter Photography (ENG)

    4 Lessons
      girl with lantern in a winter wood

      Winter Photography (ENG) Winter photography is a retouching and color grading tutorial that shows how I edit my evening photos. We will use this winter photo as a sampe for our work. In the tutorial we will go through the main editing techniques that you can use for your photos. The work will take place […]

    • Зимняя фотография

      4 Lessons

        Новый видеоурок для обработки зимних вечерних фотографий. В обучении рассмотрены такие темы как: Проявка вечерних фотографий, ретушь, работа с формами, ретушь с сохранением текстуры, светотеневой рисунок, цветокоррекция, тонирование и другие.

      • Magical photography

        13 Lessons

          Retouching and color correction Masterclass. The Masterclass is about my method of creating and processing photos from shooting to the final result, and contains the best techniques that I use to work with pictures. If you like my photos and if you want to know secrets of creating them this Masterclass is for you!